I am a complete newbie to php ticket support applications....it is not part of my job and I am not even a programmer. So when my partners told me to get a ticket support system up and running, with a "just make it happen" attitude, I was a bit overwhelmed. Lucky for me I stumbled onto Maian Support and found David Ian Bennett. I do not know if Maian is a good support system or not, it does not really matter. What I do know is that David offers the best support and services I have ever received. I have asked him endless questions (some of them really stupid) and he never gives up....his patience is endless. I do not know David, we have never met and I have never spoken to him on the phone. For me, David is just a guy who really does give you "a helping hand" when you need it. Kudos to you David, you deserve it!

Pakapaka (MaianMedia Forums)